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Many people have heard of GDPR (Government Data Protection Regulation) being thrown around as something to watch out for, however, few people know what it actually is.


GDPR essentially takes away some of the power that businesses have held through their use of data on individuals and giving it back to the people. It gives them several rights including to be notified of a data breach, to object to their data being used, and to be informed before their data is gathered.

Although this is primarily an EU initiative, the global nature of companies and the connectedness of the world means it will affect virtually everyone. With so many companies using analytics and working online, these regulations can change the operations of all businesses, small and large.

Key Requirements:

At a basic level, the GDPR requires businesses to follow three rules:
#1 Auditing current data protection procedures
#2 Keeping a record of all information you have
#3 Following the GDPR rules of data protection

How to comply?

A checklist on what businesses can do to comply with the regulations of GDPR can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office’s website.

Not following the GDPR regulations can have serious consequences, so it is best to be aware of how it can affect your business and what you will need to change!