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Starting a new business can be a difficult venture with its own challenges. Follow these three tips to ensure a success start to your company!

#1 Work with purpose

Find a mission that you feel passionate about and be purposeful in the birth of your business. Pursuing something just for the sake of it may not hold you business in the long run.

#2 Focus on one project at a time

New businesses owners often feel the need to pursue several projects at once and reach for every new opportunity to ensure growth in their company. This can be more harmful than beneficial, as the original purpose gets lost in the process.

#3 Practice your pitch

Now that you’ve decided your mission and have narrowed down your projects, the next step will be attaining funding and building interest in your product or service. Build a 30 second pitch that highlights what you’re business does and how it adds value to the customer or the larger society.

Building a strong foundation is important in starting a company and will help you go far!

For more tips and tricks on helping you grow your business, follow Budget Mastermind on LinkedIn or @budgetmastermnd on Twitter!

Budget Mastermind provides business finance solutions to help grow